Glasgow Churches Together

Lord, let Glasgow flourish by the preaching of Thy word and praising Thy name

Important information

External content does not necessarily reflect the views of Glasgow Churches Together. It is the policy of Glasgow Churches Together that we do not criticise other Churches. Our agenda is dialogue and respect for one another and we strive to find areas of common agreement.

Contact Details

Ecumenical Officer
Elspeth Glasgow
c/o Presbytery of Glasgow, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JP
Phone/fax 0141 332 6606

Events listings
We welcome your suggestions of ecumenical events for inclusion in these listings. Please submit the details using the forms on the left

If you wish to contact us on a general mater please use the form below.


Media Section

Radio Alba

Upcoming Events

Contact Us


Address: 260 Bath St, Glasgow G2 4JP   

Tel: 0141 332 6606
